Category: Company Law

Liquidation: Whether Or Not The Liquidation Of A Licensed Insurance Company In Ghana Can Be Commenced By An Originating Motion On Notice

Liquidation: Whether Or Not The Liquidation Of A Licensed Insurance Company In Ghana Can Be Commenced By An Originating Motion On Notice

Ghana Law Hub- October 24, 2023

Author:Vanessa Awurabena Davis Esq, AB Lexmall & Associates Introduction The High Court, Accra, has ruled on the legality of commencing the liquidation of a licensed ... Read More

Treatment of Shareholders’ Unclaimed Dividends Under the Companies Act 2019, (Act 992) and the Constitutional issue that Arises!

Treatment of Shareholders’ Unclaimed Dividends Under the Companies Act 2019, (Act 992) and the Constitutional issue that Arises!

Frederick Gurah Sampson- December 18, 2022

 Voice Summary: Introduction Businesses, be it Limited Liability Companies, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships etc in Ghana like elsewhere exist with the aim of maximizing profit. Shareholders ... Read More

Insolvency and Arbitration: An Analysis of Ghana’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798)

Insolvency and Arbitration: An Analysis of Ghana’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798)

Bobby Banson- April 10, 2022

1.Introduction Conflict has become accepted as part of human engagements and endeavours. When conflict arises, the disposition of the parties involved in it is to ... Read More

Stealing from Your Own Company: The Defence of Consent in Criminal Prosecution of Controllers of Collapsed Companies.

Stealing from Your Own Company: The Defence of Consent in Criminal Prosecution of Controllers of Collapsed Companies.

Joseph Kwadwo Konadu- November 4, 2020

1.Introduction It is trite that companies are separate from their shareholders, directors and key management personnel (“controllers”). A company’s property does not belong to its ... Read More

The Death of the Statutory  Corporation

The Death of the Statutory Corporation

Kenneth Ghartey- February 28, 2019

The statutory corporation went on quietly to the ancestors without the usual Ghanaian fanfare. There was no one to sing of its former glory at ... Read More

Are the Directors of the Failed Banks in Serious Trouble?

Are the Directors of the Failed Banks in Serious Trouble?

Kenneth Ghartey- August 7, 2018

The conversation relating to the August 1, 2018 announcement of the ‘collapse’ and so-called ‘consolidation’ of the five bankswent from taking stock of the intensity ... Read More

What, in Law, has Happened to the Five Collapsed Banks?

What, in Law, has Happened to the Five Collapsed Banks?

Kenneth Ghartey- August 6, 2018

While the majority of players and stakeholders in the financial space welcome the recent Bank of Ghana (BOG) intervention regarding the recent the ‘collapse’ of the five ... Read More

Can the government dissolve the GFA?

Can the government dissolve the GFA?

Samuel Nartey- June 11, 2018

On June 7, 2018, the Government through its Minister of Information issued a press release stating that the “…Government has decided to take immediate steps ... Read More

Unibank vs UT Bank and Capital Bank: Spot the Difference?

Unibank vs UT Bank and Capital Bank: Spot the Difference?

Samuel Nartey- March 22, 2018

The Bank of Ghana (BOG) on March 20, 2018, appointed KPMG as “official administrator” of Unibank Ghana Ltd (“Unibank”). According to the BOG, the appointment ... Read More

Did The Minister for Finance Flout Corporate and Banking Rules for Political Interests?

Did The Minister for Finance Flout Corporate and Banking Rules for Political Interests?

Samuel Nartey- October 5, 2017

The Minority in Parliament  on 5 September 2017 gave a press release with respect to an approval given by the Minister of Finance (“Minister”) concerning ... Read More