Category: Banking and Finance

A Practical Guide to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

A Practical Guide to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Nick Opoku- June 13, 2023

The popularity of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) is on the rise globally and Ghana is no exception. This is driven by investors’ need for ... Read More

Treatment of Shareholders’ Unclaimed Dividends Under the Companies Act 2019, (Act 992) and the Constitutional issue that Arises!

Treatment of Shareholders’ Unclaimed Dividends Under the Companies Act 2019, (Act 992) and the Constitutional issue that Arises!

Frederick Gurah Sampson- December 18, 2022

 Voice Summary: Introduction Businesses, be it Limited Liability Companies, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships etc in Ghana like elsewhere exist with the aim of maximizing profit. Shareholders ... Read More

Garnisheeing Joint Bank Accounts – The Ghanaian Law Perspective

Garnisheeing Joint Bank Accounts – The Ghanaian Law Perspective

Frederick Gurah Sampson- August 4, 2021

Frederick Gurah Sampson Esq and Roselyne Kaledzi Esq Introduction. The Bank-Customer relationship usually commences with the account opening processes. This is the stage where the ... Read More

Understanding the Ghanaian Law on Garnishees (2)

Understanding the Ghanaian Law on Garnishees (2)

Frederick Gurah Sampson- August 26, 2020

By: Frederick Gurah Sampson (Legal Department, Zenith Bank Ghana Limited)  & Roselyne Kaledzi (A-Partners@Law) What happens when the Garnishee pays out the money to the ... Read More

Understanding the Ghanaian Law on Garnishees (1)

Understanding the Ghanaian Law on Garnishees (1)

Frederick Gurah Sampson- August 24, 2020

Authors: Frederick Gurah Sampson (Legal Department, Zenith Bank Ghana Limited)  & Roselyne Kaledzi (A-Partners@Law) Introduction Parties go to court or resort to any other dispute resolution ... Read More

Security Without Security – Lessons For Banks, And Similar Institutions (1)

Security Without Security – Lessons For Banks, And Similar Institutions (1)

Frederick Gurah Sampson- June 30, 2020

Banks and Specialized Deposit Taking institutions (SDTIs) exist to provide financial solutions to their Customers. In doing so, they largely take deposits and grant credit ... Read More

Tracing and Recovery of Assets in Ghana: Has Ghana’s Supreme Court Laid Down A New Standard?

Tracing and Recovery of Assets in Ghana: Has Ghana’s Supreme Court Laid Down A New Standard?

Bobby Banson- April 25, 2020

The Plaintiff, a bank incorporated in Nigeria, desirous of expanding its business operations in Chad opened an account with Banque Commercial Du Chad (BCC) which ... Read More

Ghana’s 2000 Banks Collapse (Part 2)

Ghana’s 2000 Banks Collapse (Part 2)

Samuel Alesu-Dordzi- April 4, 2019

Under Act 180, the liquidator’s role was simply to identify the assets of the banks, sell them and use the proceeds to settle the debts ... Read More

Ghana’s 2000 Banks Collapse (Part 1)

Ghana’s 2000 Banks Collapse (Part 1)

Samuel Alesu-Dordzi- April 1, 2019

Ghana’s Banking sector has experienced a number of significant changes in the past year. Of all these changes, the Bank of Ghana’s revocation of the ... Read More

Regulating Related Party Activities in Ghanaian Banking

Regulating Related Party Activities in Ghanaian Banking

Kenneth Ghartey- February 18, 2019

A survey of the reporting of the still on-going issues surrounding the banking sector in Ghana reveals that many of the problems associated with the ... Read More