Category: Corporate Governance

Summary: Transparency International & Ors V Republic of Ghana (the Agyapa Case)

Summary: Transparency International & Ors V Republic of Ghana (the Agyapa Case)

Nick Opoku- July 8, 2022

On July 13, 2022, the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS Court) shall deliver its judgment in a ... Read More

A Secretary’s Guidelines for Board Meetings

A Secretary’s Guidelines for Board Meetings

Onesimos Barimah Osei- May 14, 2020

After the successful incorporation of a company, the law requires certain meetings to be held by the company as a going concern. Among such meetings ... Read More

A Practical Approach to Acquiring Shares in a Company

A Practical Approach to Acquiring Shares in a Company

Onesimos Barimah Osei- May 12, 2020

Every Company at a point will require growth. Depending on the size of the company, investments may be required in a form of either equity ... Read More

Are the Directors of the Failed Banks in Serious Trouble?

Are the Directors of the Failed Banks in Serious Trouble?

Kenneth Ghartey- August 7, 2018

The conversation relating to the August 1, 2018 announcement of the ‘collapse’ and so-called ‘consolidation’ of the five bankswent from taking stock of the intensity ... Read More

Unibank vs UT Bank and Capital Bank: Spot the Difference?

Unibank vs UT Bank and Capital Bank: Spot the Difference?

Samuel Nartey- March 22, 2018

The Bank of Ghana (BOG) on March 20, 2018, appointed KPMG as “official administrator” of Unibank Ghana Ltd (“Unibank”). According to the BOG, the appointment ... Read More

Did The Minister for Finance Flout Corporate and Banking Rules for Political Interests?

Did The Minister for Finance Flout Corporate and Banking Rules for Political Interests?

Samuel Nartey- October 5, 2017

The Minority in Parliament  on 5 September 2017 gave a press release with respect to an approval given by the Minister of Finance (“Minister”) concerning ... Read More