Tag: Bobby Banson

Unmasking the Scope of Jurisdiction of a Court and Avoiding Judicial Journalism – A Look at Anas A. Anas v Kennedy Agyapong

Unmasking the Scope of Jurisdiction of a Court and Avoiding Judicial Journalism – A Look at Anas A. Anas v Kennedy Agyapong

Bobby Banson- May 15, 2024

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash 1.Introduction: On the 15th of March 2023, Justice Eric Baah JA, sitting as an additional High Court Judge delivered ... Read More

Arguing New Grounds of Appeal – To Seek Leave Or Not

Arguing New Grounds of Appeal – To Seek Leave Or Not

Bobby Banson- September 11, 2023

INTRODUCTION When a Party is dissatisfied with a decision of a court, be it a ruling or judgement, that Party may appeal against that decision ... Read More

Ghana’s Push for Compulsory Arbitration in Respect of Some Causes of Action- A Hit or A Miss?

Ghana’s Push for Compulsory Arbitration in Respect of Some Causes of Action- A Hit or A Miss?

Bobby Banson and Nana Kwabena Anin-Yeboah- July 14, 2022

Introduction The word “arbitration” has gained a lot of traction in recent years. It is now “fashionable” or “chique” to incorporate arbitration clauses in all ... Read More

Is The Outcome of an Interpleader Proceeding Interlocutory or Final?

Is The Outcome of an Interpleader Proceeding Interlocutory or Final?

Bobby Banson- September 28, 2021

1.Introduction A person who holds a property to which he/she does not claim any legal or equitable interest may find himself/herself in a situation where ... Read More

Setting Aside Arbitral Awards: Justice Justin Kofi Dorgu’s Bold Incision Into The Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798)

Setting Aside Arbitral Awards: Justice Justin Kofi Dorgu’s Bold Incision Into The Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798)

Bobby Banson- August 3, 2021

1.Introduction Ghana’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798) (“hereinafter referred to as the ADR Act”), has been hailed by Scholars as very progressive. Dr. ... Read More

Fixing the Culture of Unlawful Arrest and Detentions: A Look at the Rules of Engagement of the National Security Apparatus

Fixing the Culture of Unlawful Arrest and Detentions: A Look at the Rules of Engagement of the National Security Apparatus

Bobby Banson- May 24, 2021

1.Introduction These days, the mention of National Security evokes fear and intimidation, to say the least. Media reports abound as to alleged unlawful arrests and ... Read More

Preliminary Legal Issues for Determination: When to Raise Them.

Preliminary Legal Issues for Determination: When to Raise Them.

Bobby Banson- February 15, 2021

1.Introduction Parties go to court because they are unable to settle their disputes amicably. The rules of court have been enacted to provide an avenue ... Read More

In the Matter of Abena Ackah v Agricultural Development Bank: Has the Supreme Court Given to Caesar What Belongs to God?

In the Matter of Abena Ackah v Agricultural Development Bank: Has the Supreme Court Given to Caesar What Belongs to God?

Bobby Banson- January 6, 2021

1.Introduction The dichotomy between the Church and the State was epitomized in the words of Jesus Christ in the following text which is found in ... Read More

Tax Appeals in Ghana: Monetizing the Right to Justice?

Tax Appeals in Ghana: Monetizing the Right to Justice?

Bobby Banson- August 16, 2020

1.Introduction "If we never do anything which has been done before, we shall never act anywhere. The law will stand still whilst the rest of ... Read More

In Pursuit of Justice: What if the Son of Man Has Nowhere to Lay His Head?

In Pursuit of Justice: What if the Son of Man Has Nowhere to Lay His Head?

Bobby Banson- May 4, 2020

1.Introduction It is the dream of every Government for every citizen of that country to have a home or a job. Having a home or ... Read More